If you have bought a new roku tv and when trying to setup you forgot your email address and you are unable to sign in to your email address on roku using email address then you can activate roku tv without email address as well and you need to contact roku tv support and they will help you regain access and help you sign in to roku if you have stuck in setup process.
How can i Activate Roku tv
You can activate roku tv using email address or by using QR Code and if you don’t have a roku account then you need to create one active account and activate roku on your roku tv.
Can i Activate Roku Without Email
You can’t activate roku without email and you need to activate using email address and if you have forgotten password or email then contact support or create a new roku account with new email address and password and activate roku withhold old email address.
Use Activate Using QR Code option
You can activate using QR code instead of email address here and when you scan qr code using your mobile camera app then it will take you to the Roku website where you still need to login with your email address and password.
If you have forgotten your email address and don’t want to login with your existing roku account then you will need to create a new roku account and activate roku with a new email address and password.
How to Activate Roku tv without Email
If you have forgotten password or don’t want to use email then you need to contact roku support here and login.
Use Forgot Roku Account Email or Password Recovery
If you have forgotten roku email address and password and unable to login to your roku account during setup process and cant activate your roku device then you can go to forgot password and rest your password by entering your email address and get your email address and change password and set new and strong password and login to roku using new details and activate roku tv using email address.
What to Do if You Don’t Have Access to Email for Roku?
If you don’t have an active email account or lost access to email then you can create a new account or you can contact roku support and re-activate your forgotten or reset password and request email change by contacting roku support.