If you want to run ad campaigns and want to auto share posts which you share on a facebook page which automatically gets shared on instagram and take more advantage of new facebook business page and instagram you need to link both facebook page and instagram with each other and connect facebook page with instagram. So let’s see in detail below.
You can easily link facebook pages with your instagram account in meta facebook business professional suite and upload and share posts on both social media accounts and run ad campaigns.
Link Facebook to Instagram on iPhone
Step 1: Open facebook and login with your account
Step 2: Open your facebook page that you want to link with your instagram account.
Step 3: In new windows – open instagram account and login with your login details.
Step 4: Now, on you facebook page home screen -> click on 3 dots and select page and tagging settings.
Step 5: Click on Settings.
Step 6: Click on Linked Accounts on left side menu.
Step 7: Click on Connect Account and click on connect in pop up box and it will open instagram account and you need to login with your instagram account login details that you want to link your facebook page with your instagram account.
Step 8: Now, you will see an instagram connected pop up if your instagram log in details are correct.
That’s it, this is how you link facebook page to instagram account and connect both facebook page and instagram account.
What Happens When You Connect Facebook Page to Instagram
If you connect facebook page to instagram then you will be able to run ad campaigns for your facebook business and manage comments which you receive on instagram directly on facebook and share posts automatically on both facebook page and instagram and there are many other benefits if you link facebook page to instagram account and explore more advanced feature as well.
Is your Facebook account automatically linked to Instagram?
No! By default both Instagram and Facebook accounts are not linked and it will ask you to connect your Facebook page to Instagram and you need to link account and link Facebook page and Instagram account.