On your facebook page if you want to invite friends and contacts to like you facebook page and increase likes on facebook page and suddenly you are seeing an error message “You Can’t Invite Friends Right now facebook page” and it says due to violation and page went against guidelines or facebook page community standards and temporarily limited error then you can easily get rid of You Can’t Invite Friends Right now facebook page message on facebook page. So, lets see in detail below.
Fix You Can’t Invite Friends Right now Facebook Page
Below methods will help you get rid of cant invite friends right now on Facebook page and see community violation fix facebook community violations of page.
Step 1: Open facebook page that you have received violation.
Step 2: Under You Can’t Invite Friends Right now facebook page error message, click on see violations.
Step 3: Read the violation carefully and remove violation from facebook page.
Once you see violation and remove violation then You Can’t Invite Friends Right now facebook page error will be gone and it will be reviewed and you will be able to invite friends to facebook page.
Also Read:
1) How to Fix Can’t Edit FaceBook Post on iPhone iOS 15
2) How to Hide Reaction on Facebook Post and Profile Picture Likes
3) How to Fix Facebook Watch Not Working iPhone
4) How to Fix Facebook Comments not Loading on iPhone or iPad
5) Instagram Can’t Login with Facebook try Logging in With your Password
Why You Can’t Invite Friends Right now Facebook page Error?
You can invite only 1000 friends for one week and if you have invited too many friends to like your facebook page or prohibited or violated video that you have posted on your facebook page which is copyrighted video or if you have violated any of the facebook page community standards then you will get to see this error you cant invite friends right now on facebook page and cant invite any friends to facebook page.
What Does it Mean You Can’t Invite Friends Right now facebook page?
It means that you are temporarily limited to invite your friends to share your page due to violation and you broke community stands of Meta (facebook) and violated guidelines and you need to see violation and fix violations on facebook page.
How many Friends i Can invite to like Facebook page at Once
You can invite only 1000 friends per one week and if you have invited more friends at once then you will get You Can’t Invite Friends Right now facebook page error on your facebook page which is against facebook community guidelines.
Why won’t Facebook let me invite friends to like my page?
If you have violated any facebook community guidelines standards then facebook will restrict to invite friends to like facebook page or if you have posted any copyrighted video or any copyrighted material on facebook page then facebook wont allow you to invite friends and it will restrict access with limited actions on facebook page.
How long does a Facebook page invite block last?
Once you see facebook page violation for not allowing to invite friends then it will take up to 24 to 38 hrs after the violation has been fixed and if facebook finds violation again then facebook page may get suspended for repeatedly breaking facebook community standard violations.