If you have Philips smart tv and wondering how to update Philips smart tv to latest version, then it depends on what model of Philips smart tv you have and depending up on your philips smart tv android version Philips smart tv roku and other philips smart tv version.
It’s always recommended to update Philips smart tv to the latest version to avoid issues like crashing, stuck on logo, apps not loading or slow or any other issues due to software (firmware) incompatibility issues.
You can also enable the auto update philips smart tv option and update apps automatically as soon as new software or firmware update is available and philips smart tv will update it automatically and stay up to date with philips smart tv firmware update.
How Do i Update Philips Smart tv to Latest Firmware Update
Follow below steps to update Philips smart tv to the latest firmware (software update).
Update Philips Smart tv Android Version
Step 1: Grab your Philips smart tv and press home button and using arrow keys go to settings on top right corner
Step 2: Now, Press down arrow button on remote and Select About option and press ok on philips tv remote.
Step 3: Select System Software Update and Press ok and philips smart tv will check for new version of software is available and update philips tv to latest version.
That’s it, this is how you update philips smart tv android version to latest firmware or software update.
Update Philips Smart tv Roku
Step 1: Grab your roku philips smart tv remote and press home button and Press down arrow and select Settings
Step 2: Press down arrow and select System and Press ok to go to system settings.
Step 3: Now, Press down arrow on Remote and Select System Update and Press ok on remote.
Step 4: Select Check Now and Press ok and Wait for Philips roku tv to check for available latest software and if update is available then in pop up window you will see update now option.
Step 5: Now, Select Update Now option and Press ok and wait for Philips smart tv to update it to latest version.
Now, Wait for philips smart tv to update it to latest version and update can take few minutes and make sure you are connected to wifi internet connection and if update gets fail on philips smart tv then power reset philips smart tv and connect to wifi (strong internet connection) and update philips roku smart tv.
Other Philips Smart tv
Step 1: Turn on philip smart tv and then go to settings option
Step 2: Select Support
Step 3: Select Software Update and check for update and update philips tv.
Update Philips Smart tv Using USB Drive
To update Philips smart tv using USB drive, you need to download Philips smart tv latest firmware update, 2023, 2024 and download it on your usb drive and insert usb drive on back of your philips smart tv and update philips smart tv using USB Drive.