Unmountable boot volume blue screen error fix windows 10

In windows 10 laptop or computer sometimes your system will be showing unmountable boot volume blue screen error and its frustrating and keeps on preparing automatic repair and doesn’t fix this issue by windows 10 basic trouble-shooter and it keeps on showing this blue screen error and there are couple of different easy fixes for this unmountable boot volume error, so lets see in detail how to fix this blue screen error unmountable boot volume below.

Unmountable boot volume blue screen error:

Step 1: Restart your computer and once you are on windows lock screen, hold shift and click on restart, this will bring you automatic repair troubleshooting option boot menu.

Step 2: Once you are in automatic repair ->click on Advanced options.

Step 3: Now click on command prompt.

Step 4: click on Administrator and enter your administrator password and click continue.

Step 5: You will be prompted with command prompt now.

Step 6: Go ahead and type chkdsk d:/f /r /x  and then press enter.

Note: if you get disk not found error you can try changing the drive letter from D to C

Step 7: You can also try chkdsk c:/f /r /x and hit enter.

Step 8: Now wait for windows 10 to perform checks and scans and it automatically fixes any issues if something gets corrupted and will fix unmountable boot volume blue screen error.

Step 9: Once the scan completes type: exit and hit enter to exit command prompt.

Step 10: Now press continue which will exectue windows 10 and restarts.

Step 11: Once you windows 10 comptuer gets restarted and boots up successfully, you will not be seeing any error of blue screen like unmountable boot volume blue screen error.

That’s it, this is how you fix unmountable boot volume blue screen error in windows 10.

What causes unmountable boot volume blue screen error?

This error triggers if there are any corrupted files on your files or hard disk issues like damaged hard drive or due to windows update issue which caused unexpected shut down or interrupted downloads when windows 10 is getting updated in background.

How to fix unmountable boot volume blue screen error?

You can fix by running chkdsk scan or sfc scan and windows 10 will automatically repair your pc for you.

Unmountable boot volume blue screen error sfc scan command?

Open cmd in automatic repair optins and type : chkdsk c:/f /r /x

No disk found error when running chkdsk commad?

Change the drive letter to c to d or any other drive and hit enter.

Ramana Tula is a - Technical Content Writer and he is a Full stack Web and Android Developer also - SEO Manager and also manages Digital Marketing.

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