iPhone No Service / Searching on iPhone 13, 13 pro, 13 Max or iPhone 12, 11

On your iPhone if you are seeing no service / searching on iPhone 13, or iPhone 13 pro, iPhone 12 or any series of iPhone then follow these solutions to fix no service / searching issue on iPhone.

iPhone No Service / Searching on iPhone 13, 13 pro, 13 Max or iPhone 12, 11, iPhone x

Follow below troubleshooting methods which helps you fix no service.

Refresh Airplane Mode

You need to refresh airplane mode by turning airplane mode on and off.

Step 1: Launch settings app

Step 2: Turn on Airplane mode and go back to home screen

Step 3: Wait for 30 seconds and turn off airplane mode and check for network connections on your iPhone.

Turn on Data Roaming

Step 1: Open settings app on iPhone (gear icon).

Step 2: Tap on cellular / Mobile Data.

Step 3: Turn on Cellular Data and tap on Cellular data options,

Step 4: Now, turn on Data Roaming option.

Also Read: 1) Fix: iPhone Set Automatically Date and Time Greyed Out on iPhone

2) How to Fix Sound issue on iPhone 13 mini, 13 pro max, iPhone 12, iPhone 11, iPhone X

3) Solved: Forgot Screen Time Passcode iPhone – ios 15

4) How to change the location service on iPhone or iPad & Android ?

5) Fix: Ear speaker not working on iPhone 13, 13 mini, pro | iPhone 12, iPhone 11

Restart your iPhone to fix No service / Searching on iPhone 13

Step 1: Open settings app -> Tap on General

Step 2: Scroll down and tap on shut down.

Step 3: Drag the slide to power off option and wait for your iPhone to turn off.

Step 4: Hold down side button and turn on your iPhone.

Check whether your issue of no service / searching on iPhone 13 will be fixed.

Remove and Insert Sim Card Again

Remove sim card from your iPhone and once you remove sim, go ahead and clean sim tray with soft cloth and clean sim tray properly and blow some air as well. Now, you need to reinsert sim card back to your iPhone, once done go ahead and restart your iPhone, Most probably, your issue with no service /searching on iPhone 13 or any no networking on iPhone issues will be resolved.

Reset Network Settings

Step 1: Launch Settings app -> Tap on General

Step 2: Scroll down and tap on -> Transfer or Reset iPhone

Step 3: Tap on Reset -> and select reset network settings and enter your passcode and screen time password.

Step 4: Confirm reset network settings in popup and wait for your iPhone to restart.

Once you reset network settings all issues with the network like no network, no service or network related issues will be fixed when you reset network settings.

Reset All Settings

Step 1: To reset all settings -> Open Settings app -> General -> Reset-> Select Reset All settings.

Step 2: Enter your passcode and screen time passcode if set.

Step 3: Now, confirm reset all settings in pop up box and wait for your iPhone to restart.

Update your iPhone

If you are running an old iOS version and a new version of iOS update is available, then go ahead and check for updates and update your iOS to latest version.

By following the above troubleshooting guide for no service /searching or any network related issue on iPhone 13, 13 pro, 13 max or iPhone 11, X, XS Max will be resolved.

Shruti is BSC Computer Graduate and Author and Editor at A Savvy Web and She has an expertize and provides solutions and troubleshooting tips and solutions for iPhone, iPad, MacBook and Windows Computers, Android, Smart tv Expert and She is More Enthusiastic in this area of expertise and a Real time expert.

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