How to Fix Hisense Roku tv No Audio or Sound Not Working, delayed Audio or Volume

If you are having Hisense Roku tv and experiencing issues with sound like no audio, disturbance in sound, delayed sound or any  other sound issues on your Hisense Roku tv, then there are couple of different methods to fix this issue, like, software update, reset audio and picture settings and change audio settings on hisense, power reset and factory reset to its default settings. So let’s see in details below.

Fix ALL Hisense Roku tv No audio, sound not working, delayed audio

Fix Hisense Roku tv No audio, Sound Not Working

Below hisense roku tv troubleshooting methods will fix sound issue on any hisense smart tv.

Restart your Hisense Roku tv (key Combination) Using Remote

Restart your Hisense Roku tv

Step 1: Make sure your tv is turned on and then grab your remote.

Step 2: Press the home button 5 times and press UP arrow (1 time) and press Rewind button (twice) and forward twice.

Step 3: Now wait for 30 seconds

Step 4: After 30 seconds your Hisense Roku tv will turn off and turn on.

That’s it now go ahead and check your Hisense Roku tv sound, now your sound issue will be fixed almost. If you are still facing issues, then go ahead and try the below methods.

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Power Reset and Unplug Power Plug

Step 1: Turn on your Hisense roku tv and pull the power plug.

Step 2: wait for 30 seconds

Step 3: Plug back power plug to wall socket or power connector

Step 4: Now turn on your hisense roku tv and wait for it to boot & turn On.

Once you Hisense smart tv roku turns on check your sound issues or fixed or not, if not you can try other below methods to fix sound issues of hisense Roku tv.

Firmware or Software System Update Hisense Smart tv

Firmware or Software System Update Hisense Smart tv

Step 1: Click on home button on your remote

Step 2: Settings->Move right (using arrow keys) and go down to system.

Step 3: Now again move right->go down to system update.

Step 4: Click on System update and ok, if system update is available then go ahead and System update Hisense roku tv.

Step 5: Once the system update is completed you will not be facing any issue of sound.

Reset Audio Settings

Step 1: Press home button on remote

Step 2: Settings->system->Advanced System settings.

Step 3: Now move right (using arrow keys)->Again Move to right one more->Reset TV Audio / Picture settings.

Step 4: Click ok on Reset tv Audio / Picture Settings.

Step 5: Now Press Play/Pause button 3 times to reset tv audio on hisense roku tv.

That’s it, once you reset tv audio and picture everything should be working fine as now your audio settings will be set to default.

Factory reset Hisense Roku TV

Step 1: Grab your remote and press home button.

Step 2: Settings->System->Advanced System settings->Factory reset.

Step 3: Move right now and go down to factory reset and click ok.

Step 4: Now enter the code as shown on your hisense roku tv to reset everything to default to original factory settings.

Once you factory reset Hisense Roku tv, then your sound issues will be fixed.

Why Hisense Roku tv No audio, sound not working, delayed audio?

This can be due to many reasons, like software update or any, by resetting audio settings to default you will be up and running.

How to fix Hisense Roku tv No audio, sound not working, delayed audio?

You can fix by power reset, software update, reset audio and picture, factory reset and few other methods as explained in this article.

Rajeshwari Chiluveru
Rajeshwari Chiluveru
Rajeshwari is Senior Content Writer, Author, and Also Senior Editorial Team Member at A Savvy Web and She has a Degree in Bachelor of Technology (Btech) and (Master of Technology) Mtech from JNTU and is a real time expert. She writes about technology guides and troubleshooting guides (tips and Solutions) and helps users to solve issues easily. She has expertise in this area for more than 5+ years of experience and enthusiastic to provide troubleshooting tips and fixes and how to articles on Tech Related subjects like iPhone, Android, iOS, Smart tv and other tech related solutions and easy methods to fix.

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