Download & Install Showbox App on iPhone using APK

You can download showbox app for iPhone and install it on your iPhone and for showbox apk download it from showbox for ios.

Download the apk file and allow trust this app in iPhone Settings while installing apk and thats it show box will be installed on your iPhone.

Showbox is also available for android devices and you can also install showbox on iPad, mac, Android Smart tv, Apple tv as well.

If you want to watch movie shows and tv’s on your iPhone by installing showbox app on iPhone whether you are using iPhone 12, 12 pro, or iPhone 9, iPhone 6, or any iPhone devices you can install Showbox app on iPhone (Moviebox app) and enjoy unlimited free tv shows, movies and apps on your iPhone using apk file.

download and install showbox app on iPhone

How to download and install Showbox apk on IPhone: third party website

To install show box ap first you need to download showbox apk from third party website.

Step 1: Go to this website and download showbox apk for iPhone

Note: This is a third party website .

Step 2: Click on install App valley and install.

Step 3: Now, valley app will be installed and open it will prompt you with untrusted enterprise developer. To get rid of this try following :

Step 4: Go to settings and click on general and scroll down to profiles and device management.

Step 5: In profiles and device management -> click on enterprise apps listed and click on that particular enterprise and click on trust. Since it is not an app from apple store it will ask you for these setting to make sure you trust these app enterprise developers and click on trust.

Step 6: Go to Home screen -> Open Appvalley now it will opne (since you trust this app this app will open now).

Step 7: Click on movie box (Similar to show box).

Step 8: Click on Get app will get installed on your iPhone.

Once you open movie box first time it will ask you to update it. DON’T UPDATE IT click on CANCEL.

Now you can watch tv or movies which are listed on movie box for free on your iPhone.

That’s it you can now watch showbox or moviebox apps on iPhone and enjoy watching movies.

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Is show box Apk for iPhone trusted?

Download & Install Showbox App on IPhone

No show box is not trusted app as it is not present in apple store its says iPhone cant trust to install showbox and enjoy streaming online movies and web series. Showbox or movie box is only for android users.

Do i Need to update Showbox app once installed?

No, Dont update showbox app as you have installed showbox from apk file you should not update showbox.

How to Download Showbox for iPhone?

There are several websites which provides show box apk files and Download it from there and install apk file and run apk file on iPhone.

Uses of showbox or moviebox app in IOS:

Using showbox or moviebox you can watch movies or tv shows and etc in your iPhone if you download and install on you iPhone and enjoy lots of features.

Can you download the Showbox app on IOS?

Yes you can download but that’s a third party application and its and cant be trusted if you want to install you have to make app trusted.

What is showbox or moviebox?

Show box is an entertainment application which allows you to watch unlimited movies and tv shows for free like a premium version of application for free of cost.

Is showbox available on iphone?

No showbox is not available on iphone and it wont work you have to install moviebox which is similar to showbox and for free.

Difference between moviebox and showbox?

Showbox is for android users and moviebox is developed for Apple iphone users, ipad and etc.

  • Swathi is Content Writer, Author Editorial Team Member at A Savvy Web and She writes about technology troubleshooting guides and helps users to solve issues easily. She has expertise in this area for more than 2+ years of experience.
  •  She completed her Post Graduation and has an interest in Computers, Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, Smart tv.

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