Fix Insignia Smart tv HDMI port not Working or No Signal HDMI

On your insignia smart tv if you have connected your cable to hdmi ports and you are getting no signal hdmi port error all of sudden or when you are inserting or plugging in hdmi cable to hdmi port on insignia smart tv or hdmi tv av input not working and getting to see no signal hdmi port error then you can easily fix this issue on your own without having any trouble. So, let’s see in detail below.

You need to change insignia smart tv hdmi cable and hdmi settings on insignia smart tv and reset hdmi settings and try new cable and other methods explained below.

Fix Insignai Smart tv HDMI port not working or No signal hdmi error

Below insignia tv troubleshooting methods will help you get back your hdmi port working.

Power Off All HDMI Connected Cables

Step 1: Remove all hdmi cables connected to your insignia smart tv.

Step 2: Disconnect all hdmi cables and remove power outlet of insinga tv

Step 3: Remove router or modem cable and other hdmi cables connected to your insignia smart tv.

Step 4: Now, press and hold the power button on back of your insignia smart tv for 30 seconds.

Step 5: After 30 seconds release the power key button.

Step 6: Now, connect all hdmi removed cables back to your insignia smart tv.

Now, turn on your insignia smart tv and you will not face any issue with hdmi port not working on insignia smart tv. Most of the time hdmi cables will not work and some times due to power fluctuation you can experience and get to see insignia smart tv hdmi ports not working issue or no singal error hdmi ports issues.

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Change HDMI Cable or Faulty HDMI Cables

Change your hdmi cable and plug in new hdmi cable, sometimes hdmi cable itself may be culprit and if hdmi cable gets damaged then your hdmi ports av no source or no singal error.

Change hdmi Settings and HDMI Ports

If your hdmi cable is connected to hdmi 1 then remove hdmi cable and plug hdmi cable to hdmi port 2 and then press input button and select source hdmi 2 and see if your hdmi ports are working on insignia smart tv. 

Where is the hdmi port on my insignia tv?

On back of your insignia smart tv you will get to see hdmi written on connecting portals of cables where you can plug in hdmi cables in different hdmi ports.

Why do i Get to See Hdmi no Signal or hdmi ports not working issues on insignia smart tv

If your hdmi ports gets corrupted and if you are having fault cables or hdmi cables gets damaged or if there is any power fluctuation which results in hdmi cables then you will get to see hdmi no signal and cables and ports will get damaged and you need to contact insignia smart tv support to replace the hdmi ports and replace the hdmi faulty cables.

Rajeshwari Chiluveru
Rajeshwari Chiluveru
Rajeshwari is Senior Content Writer, Author, and Also Senior Editorial Team Member at A Savvy Web and She has a Degree in Bachelor of Technology (Btech) and (Master of Technology) Mtech from JNTU and is a real time expert. She writes about technology guides and troubleshooting guides (tips and Solutions) and helps users to solve issues easily. She has expertise in this area for more than 5+ years of experience and enthusiastic to provide troubleshooting tips and fixes and how to articles on Tech Related subjects like iPhone, Android, iOS, Smart tv and other tech related solutions and easy methods to fix.

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