What is Physical Science

What is science and how it is considered

Science is concerned with the understanding of our environment. To Understand science firstly we have to understand our environment, understanding our environment is to measure and describe the physical world.

From all over the centuries human’s have developed increasingly sophisticated methods of measurements and scientist make use of the most advanced of these and we make continuously making measurements in our daily lives like watches ad clocks are used to measure time and it takes events to take place.

A census is taken every 10 years to determine (measure) the population(Scientists can go over time and say that from which time things exists on our world and how old it is). Money, Calories, and the days and years of our lives are counted.

It was once though that all things can be measured with exact certainty, but as smaller objects were measured it became evident that the act of measuring distorted the measurements. Measurement is crucial and important ti understand our physical environment.

What is physical Science and what are the methods of Scientific Investigation


It is derived from latin word : Scientia which meaning “Knowledge”, and it is also defined as the organized body of knowledge about the natural universe and the processes by which the knowledge is acquired and tested.

Social Sciences

which deals with the human Society and individual relationships, and natural sciences, which investigate the natural universe.

In turn the natural sciences are divided into the Biological sciences called as life sciences, it deals with the study of living matter and the physical science which involves the study of non-living matter.

The above image Shoes five major physical sciences and how they fit into the various divisions of sciences.

Physical Sciences is classified in to five major divisions, Physics, Chemistry Astronomy, Meterology, Geology.


Physics is the most fundamentals into divisons, we are surrounded by the physics all the time whether we realize it or we are surrounded by Physics all the time the study and concepts of matter and energy.

Physics explains natural phenomenon in the universe, scientist perform tests with the scientific laws and performs experiments and tested and they are accepted as truth, perform and predict how other things will behave. And it is also considered as the most fundamental science.

It is actually the basic’s of all other sciences, without physics there is no biology, chemistry, geology or anything else.


Chemistry is the study of Matter, substances combine or separate from other substances.

Chemistry deals with the compositions, structure and reaction of matter.


Astronomy is the study of Universe, it is the study of science of space beyond the Earth’s Atmosphere, which is totally of all mater, energy, space and time, like it deals with the study of stars, comets, galaxies, Universe, origin and evolution of the universe and calculations of their positions and motions.


Meteorology is the scientific study of the atmosphere from the surface of the earth to where it ends in outer space, it focusses on the study of the weather processing and forecasting. Events that are bound by the variables which exists in Earth Atmosphere like temperature, pressure, water vapour and how they behave and change in time. Earths observed weather is stored in the troposphere.


Geology is the study of planet earth, its structure, composition, process and history.
The above last three (i,e Astronomy, Meteorology and Geology) Physical sciences are sometimes combined as the Earth and Space Science.

Physical Science is considered as the most fundamental of these divisions, because each of the disciplines applies the principles and concepts of matter and energy to its own particular focus.

As mentioned earlier without Physical science there is no other science , study of physical science starts with physics and then moves on to chemistry , astronomy and meteorology and ends with geology.

This will explore your knowledge of the physical science and give you perspective on how science has grown throughout the human history and how science influences the world in our daily life we live in today, and how it is employed through technology i.e scientific knowledge for pratical purposes.

Earlier the scientists had no sophisticated means to make measurements they did have the curiosity about the world around them and need to survive around with the harsh environment that resulted in the making of tools and harnessing of fire.

They have a desire to understand and the movement of stars, the passing of seasons, and the hope of predicting the weather by using the clues of the wind and clouds which grew out of such curiosity and all were said by the observation of the earth and sky and observation forms the the basic of all other scientific knowledge, even in the modern world.

Scientific knowledge is cumulative if our predecessors are not asked the questions and made observations on science, our own knowledge of the physical Science would be far less extensive. Each new discovery yields to the possibility of more.

Biology(life) and Physical Science make up the Natural Science.

The Major Divisions of physical science are physics, chemistry, astronomy, meteorology, and geology.

Swapna Reddy
Swapna Reddyhttps://www.asavvyweb.com/
Swapna Reddy is a Tech Content Writer and has a Degree of MTech Completed in 2011 and has an experience of more than 8 years as tech content writer and she writes about methods and solutions to fixing daily experiencing issues and helps users to resolve issues with All Smart tv'z, Computers, iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac and Optimizing methods and other tech related articles with real time experiences and fixes.

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