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Phylum or Phyla

Variety of animals life species kingdom animalia:

Everyone is familiar with many of our common animals and knows something about where and how they, live with the Variety of animals...

Overview of Phylum or Phyla: 11 Important phylum’s of Animal Kingdom

The animal kingdom will treat only the 11 most important Phylum or Phyla out of the 20 or more which compose it. These 11 Phylums...

Phylum Chordata Characteristics and Classification

Characteristics of Phylum Chordata Classification of Chordata: 3 Groups Linking to Vertebrates and Invertebrates: There are 3 groups of taxons that link vertebrates to invertebrates. These are...

Phylum Protozoa: Classification, Types, Structure and Features

There are around 30000 species under this phylum and protozoan's are unicellular animals which carry out all the vital functions such as nutrition, respiration...

Phylum’s of plant kingdom:

In Biology the equivalent of a Phylum is called a Division The kingdom of Plantae is divided in to various ways...

Difference Between Vertebrates and Invertebrates

Animals are broadly classified into two categories based on the presence of backbone (vertebrates) and they belong to kingdom animalia. They have well developed...

Different Types of Phylum and Characteristics, Classes

The taxon, ‘Phylum’ is the largest group. There are several such Phyla constituting the animal kingdom. Members of a Phylum are recognized by certain...

Phylum Arthropoda: Characteristic, Classes and Overview:

An Arthropod is invertebrate animal Phylum: Arthropoda; Lar, 1904 Scientific name: Arthropoda Kingdom: Animalia Rank:...

Phylum Platyhelminthes: Characteristics, Digestion, Ferritization

The members of Phylum Platyhelminthes are dorsoventrally flattened. This phylum includes flatworms and they belong to kingdom Animalia and they are relatively simple bilaterian, unsegmented and soft...

Characteristics of Phylum Porifera Classifications

Let’s learn about phylum porifera now in details here and their important characteristics and classifications and everything to know about Phylum Porifera or sponges. Sponges...

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