Characteristics of Phylum Chordata
Classification of Chordata:
3 Groups Linking to Vertebrates and Invertebrates:
There are 3 groups of taxons that link vertebrates to invertebrates. These are...
The mitochondria are filamentous or granular cytoplasmic organelles of all aerobic cells of higher animals and plants.
They are also found in microorganisms including...
Animals are broadly classified into two categories based on the presence of backbone (vertebrates) and they belong to kingdom animalia. They have well developed...
The taxon, ‘Phylum’ is the largest group. There are several such Phyla constituting the animal kingdom.
Members of a Phylum are recognized by certain...
The members of Phylum Platyhelminthes are dorsoventrally
flattened. This phylum includes flatworms and they belong to kingdom
Animalia and they are relatively simple
bilaterian, unsegmented and soft...