How to Show Gmail Notifications Preview on iPhone?

If you have bought your iphone and set up emails and when you have set up gmail account on your iphone and are wondering how to set gmail email notifications to show preview then the process is pretty simple and straight forward by using gmail app.

Sometimes, you may receive too many emails and in this case you can turn off and disable and change gmail notifications settings on your iPhone as well and it comes handy if you receive promotional or update emails which eventually make everyone frustrated.

Note: you can also change the settings as per your priority like primary gmail notifications.

Enable or Show Gmail Notifications Previews on iPhone

Step 1: Open Gmail App on iPhone

Step 2: Tap on Menu bar

Step 3: Tap on Settings -> Tap on Email Notifications and Tap on All Emails.

Step 4: You can set email notification level here to primary and only emails you receive in your primary will be notified and all other promotional and other updates emails or newsletter or etc will be ignored.

This is how you set your gmail emails to show in notification previews.

Once you set gmail email notifications to allow then whenever you receive gmail it will show you notification preview.

Set Notification on iPhone to Show Previews

On your iphone if you want to set gmail notifications to show in preview then you can set them as you require by going to iphone notifications and then select notifications and select notifications with preview and enable all notification settings on iPhone. 

Where is Gmail Email Notification Settings on iPhone

In your gmail app on your iphone you need to tap on 3 lines menu and then go to setting and find email notification option here and simply tap on it and enable gmail to show notification preview on iphone.

Shruti is BSC Computer Graduate and Author and Editor at A Savvy Web and She has an expertize and provides solutions and troubleshooting tips and solutions for iPhone, iPad, MacBook and Windows Computers, Android, Smart tv Expert and She is More Enthusiastic in this area of expertise and a Real time expert.

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