ChatGPT OpenAI New Features with GPT 4 and GPT 3.5: Functional Callings and Cost Reduction, Longer Context

ChatGPT OpenAI announced new features with new AI models ChatGPT 4 and GPT 3.5 Turbo and chatgpt 4 includes updated and improved models with functional calling, API updates, longer context more interactable and accurate and get what you want from chatgpt and also reduced pricing up to 75% to $0.0001 per 1k Tokens.

ChatGPT 4 and ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo

New updates of ChatGPT 3.5 and chatGPT 4 models includes functional calling, longer context with new 16k context version with updated and steerable version and chatgpt openai also reduced cost up to 75 and 25 % of cost reduction as well. 

New features of ChatGPT 4 and ChatGPT 3.5

Below are the new updated features and AI models of chatgpt4 and chatgpt 3.5 turbo.

Functional Calling

Open AI updated GPT 4 and Gpt3.5 turbo with new Functional calling capability in the chat completion API and developers can now send functional request to gpt4 and gpt3.5-turbo and models will choose the output a JSON Object containing arguments to call to those functions. 

You can also connect GPT with external tools and APIs and get results and can also create chatbot which answers queries of user by calling external tools like chatGPT Plugins.

Using Functional Calling users can also convert queries send email, get current weather and also convert natural language into API calls or database queries.

You can also extract data structure data from text and you need to define a function and extract people data from wikipedia by usign function : xtract_people_data(people: [{name: string, birthday: string, location: string}]), to extract all people mentioned in a Wikipedia article.

All these functional use cases are enabled by the NEW API parameters in /v1/chat/completions endpoints, functions and function_call which allows developers to defined in function parameter. 

Longer Context Boost

With GPT4 and GPT 3.5 turbo with new updated version gets 16k context version of gpt 3.5 turbo vs the standard 4k version.

Cost Reduced

OpenAI announced cost reduction with new gpt 4 and gpt 3.5-turbo with 75 percent cost reduction on state of the art embedding models.

25 Percent of cost reduction on input tokens for gpt-3.5-turbo.


With the text embedding model of OpenAI GPT text-embedding-ada-002 price reduced to 75 Percent to $0.0001 per 1K tokens.

With gpt-3.5-turbo’s input tokens by 25% and this model for just $0.0015 per 1K input tokens and $0.002 per 1K output tokens

gpt-3.5-turbo-16k will be priced at $0.003 per 1K input tokens and $0.004 per 1K output tokens

Published by
Lakshmi Durga