
Malayan Tiger Habitat, Behavior, Conversation, Threats, Population, Diet

Malayan tiger is also called as Harimau in Malay tongue [language] and abbreviated as rimau which is a word from Malay English dictionary.

Malayan Tiger is Subspecies of?

Malayan tiger is the subspecies of Tiger resides in the forest of southern Malay Peninsula. Malayan tigers are endangered in species and a very few of them left on Earth and many of them are protecting and taking necessary actions needed to save Malayan tiger in Malaysia.

Malayan Tigers Indo Chinese Tigers

Malayan tigers are also considered as the indo Chinese tigers particularly when the variety of species have been compared cranially when specifically compared as there is no discrepancy [difference] between Malayan tiger and Indo Chinese tigers. In distinguish, the Malayan tiger is considered amongst the smallest subspecies of tiger.

Malayan Tiger Is Really in Danger

Yes Malayan Tigers are really in danger and Malayan tigers are decisively classified as critically endangered species and there are totally less than 500 Malayan tigers left in this world.

Malayan Tiger: To be found Located

Malayan tigers are found in Malaysia rain forest and Thailand and found in all over Malaysia.

Malayan Tiger Population

Malayan tiger species is considered as critically endangered species as the population of Malayan tiger has only less that 500 Malayan tigers left in this world and around 90+ percent of Malayan tigers has lost and putting more efforts in saving this species are expanded by gov rapidly and big project were adapted to save wild Malayan tiger species population to increase by adapting as well in zoo.

Malayan Tiger Habitat [Diet] and What They Eat

The Malayan tiger is a carnivore, predatory mainly on deer’s i.e barking deer, sambar deer etc.

As Malayan tiger is a hefty predator considered to be having the majority animals as it comes upon as a potential food and hunts down and makes a meal of it including reptiles and birds as well as apart from monkeys, wild pigs, antelope, wild Buffalo, Giraffe as tigers are nocturnal [nighttime] hunters and day hunters as well.

They are contemplation [attention] to locate victim using their sensitive hearing and eye sight more than their sense of smell. It has been expected that a tiger needs between 12-15 pounds of protein a day but it can eat around 70 pounds of meat at a time.

Malayan Tiger Vision

Malayan tigers vision are so clear and effectual than humans and the tigers can see long distances during the day time, nonetheless, their night vision is about 5 times better than humans.

The soft pads on their feet aid tigers to silently stalk victim so that the cats are not detected. With their dominant strength and razor-sharp claws, these cats are able to bring their victim down with the strength and claws.

Related Coverage:

Malayan Tiger Life Span

Lifespan of Malayan tigers are from 15 to 20 years and in captivity it’s expected to live more than 15 to 20 years.

Malayan Tiger Threats :

Threats of Malayan tiger are mainly with habitat loss with the conversation of forests by building apartments and killing forests and killing animals like deer and etc making them become a great threat of habitat and tigers threat also considered as they are killed by angry villagers when they show up as they tries to hunt down and conflicts with humans. Habitat and divergence with humans are the main threats for Malayan tiger.

How Big is Malayan Tiger

Malayan Tigers are the biggest [largest] cats originated in the wild although subspecies of tigers change in size. Female and Male tiger ranges different sizes in the sub species of Malayan tiger and Siberian tiger commonly ranges from ranges from 400-675 pounds, the female weighs between 220-370 pounds.

The Malayan tiger’s weight is around 220-308 pounds for an adult male and roughly 165-245 pounds for a female. For the Malayan tiger, the male measures almost 8 feet in length from head to tail and the female approximately 6.5 feet in length.

Published by
Swapna Reddy