
Important characteristics of Animal Life

There is a tremendous variety of animal life among the more than one million different species, yet all these exhibit some features in common with the important characteristics of animal life. Some common characteristics will be explained below and many of these characteristics of animals are similar to those of plants and to those of non-living matter, but when engaged together they furnish a means of distinguishing animals from all other things.

What are the Important characteristics of Animal Life:


The essential substance of which all plants and animals are composed is known as protoplasm. Non-living things do not contain protoplasm.


The protoplasm in plants and animals is divided into units called cells; non-living things are not divided into cells.


Animals are so constant in form that they can usually be distinguished from one another by this characteristic alone. Plants are less constant in form, but more so than most non-living things.


Animals can move their parts, and most of them are capable of locomotion. Plants, with few exceptions, are incapable of locomotion, and the same is true of non-living things.


Animals are irritable and respond quickly to changes in their surroundings, such as changes in temperature and in light. Plants respond less quickly, and non-living things do not respond at all.


Animals and plants are “machines” that run themselves. This is due to the processes of metabolism whereby protoplasm is broken down to furnish energy and is built up again out of food. Animals require other animals and plants for food, whereas plants are able to manufacture their own food from non-living materials. The ability to transform environmental material into its own specifically organized and active substance is one thing that distinguishes living from non-living matter.


Animals and plants grow as a result of the building up of protoplasm within the cells. Non-living things may increase in size, but the new material is added to the outside.


Animals reproduce others of their kind. In general, non-living bodies cannot reproduce their kind.

The harmony of animal life is thus clearly evident in composition, structure, form, movement, irritability, metabolism, growth, and reproduction.

Important Characteristics of Animal Life?


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