Phylum or Phyla

Phylum’s of plant kingdom:

In Biology the equivalent of a Phylum is called a Division The kingdom of Plantae is divided in to various ways by different biologists and there are 12 phylums of plant kingdom and total of 36 and plant kingdom is divided in to 2 types and they are:

1- cryptogams

2- phanerogams

Different types of Phylums in Plant Kingdom:

There are different types of phylum’s in animal kingdom and their classification and  characteristics as well. Phylum are classified in to many types in which phylum of plant kingdom is one of them.

Lets see the list of phylum’s which comes under these phylum’s of plant kingdom which is the classification of biology.

When you come around from your house you see plants with greenery and different kind of plants and tress gives different kind of flowers, fruits and few of them will be very special and rare plants and tress specially for different usages and different kind vegetables as well in everyday life.

Have you ever wondered that all of these belongs to plant kingdom and divided and sub grouped with classes of phylum of plant kingdom with separating fascinate facts and few of them will be having special features.

Plante Class:

Kingdom Plantae: They are multicellular, eukaryotic, autotrophic (photosynthetic), approximately they are parasitic and heterotrophic. They contain green plants, photosynthetic algae, etc

Phylum’s of plant kingdom:

The term phylum which is a level of taxonomic or classification which is rank below or above class. The kingdom plantae is composed of plants that are multicellular, autotrophic and eukaryotes

What are the Four Phylum’s of Plantae

Plantae are made up into four phylum Angiospermorphyta (anthophyta), Coniferophyta, filicinophyta (pteridophyta), and Bryophyta, or flowering plant, conifer, fern, and moss, respectively

In Plant kingdom here is the set of 12 phylum’s of plant kingdom which are given below :

  • Bryphyta
  • Hephatophyta
  • Anthocerophyta
  • Pteridophyta
  • Lycophyta
  • Sphenophyta
  • Psilophyta
  • Ginkgophyta
  • Coniferophyta
  • Gnetophyta
  • Pilsophyta
  • Pteridophyta

Lets see the list of different types of plant kingdom phylum’s which is biological phyla and list in detail below:

DivisionMeaningCommon NameCharacteristics
Anthocerotophyta[23]Anthoceros-like plantHornwortsHorn-shaped sporophytes, no vascular system100-300+
Bryophyta[24]Bryum-like plant, moss plantMossesPersistent unbranched sporophytes, no vascular systemapprox. 12,000
CharophytaChara-like plantCharophytesapprox. 1,000
ChlorophytaYellow-green plantChlorophytesapprox. 7,000
CycadophytaCycas-like plant, palm-like plantCycadsSeeds, crown of compound leavesapprox. 100-200
GinkgophytaGinkgo-like plantGinkgo, maidenhair treeSeeds not protected by fruit (single living species)only 1 extant; 50+ extinct
GlaucophytaBlue-green plantGlaucophytes15
GnetophytaGnetum-like plantGnetophytesSeeds and woody vascular system with vesselsapprox. 70
Lycopodium-like plant
Wolf plant
Clubmosses & spikemossesMicrophyll leaves, vascular system1,290 extant
MagnoliophytaMagnolia-like plantFlowering plants, angiospermsFlowers and fruit, vascular system with vessels300,000
Marchantia-like plant
Liver plant
LiverwortsEphemeral unbranched sporophytes, no vascular systemapprox. 9,000
Pinus-like plant
Cone-bearing plant
ConifersCones containing seeds and wood composed of tracheids629 extant

Published by
Lakshmi Durga