
How to Fix Program exe Not Opening When Clicking or Can’t Open EXE Files on Windows 10 or 11

  • To fix Program exe not opening when clicking or exe files not opening -> you need to open task manager and end the task and try to run exe files and open program exe file.
  • Install file extension fixer and open file extension fixer -> click on browse and locate hte exe or program exe file which you can open and run it. File extension fixer will fix the issue of exe files not opening or program exe files not opening problem on your windows 10 or 11 computer.

On your windows 10 computer if program exe not opening or you are unable to open any exe files in your windows 11 or 10 computer then you can fix this issue on your own by just following these simple methods. So, let’s see in detail below and fix this issue of exe files not opening or can’t open problems.

Program exe not opening is generally due to corrupted files on your windows 10 computer and you need to fix these corrupted files and you can fix these issue of exe files not opening or program exe files or any setup exe files by using regedit or using command prompt methods and few other methods and resolve the issue.

Fix Program exe not opening when clicking on it or exe files or setup exe files

Below troubleshooting guide will help you fix these issue of exe files not opening or program exe files or setup files not opening or corrupted exe files.

Task Manager

Step 1: Right click on task manager and open it

Step 2: Now, locate the file like exe file or program exe files

Step 3: RIght click on it and end the task.

Once you end task task then go ahead and open program exe files and run it, hopefully your issue will be resolved if not try other methods below.

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File Extension Fixer

Step 1: Open your favorite web browser -> chrome or mozilla or edge or any other web browser.

Step 2: in google type file extension fixer and choose free file extension fixer and download it on your computer.

Step 3: Once you download extensions fixer on your computer -> extract the file and run it on your computer and follow on screen instruction and complete the installation of file extension fixer.

Step 4: Now, open file extension fixer -> click on browser and locate the file which you are having issues with like program exe here.

Step 5: Click on browser and locate program exe folder -> Now, select run/open and let file extension fixer do its job.

That;s it, once a file extension fixer completes the job, it will fix programs exe files issue and resolve the issue with exe files or program files or any executable files not opening on your windows 11 or 10 computer successfully.

Registry Files

Step 1: Open file extension fixer and locate the file which you cant open by clicking on browser button.

Step 2: Now, this time select repair file extensions and in drop down select exe.

Step 3: Click on fix selected  and run it and exe file registry will be fixed.

That’s it. This is how you fix exe or program exe files extensions not opening and fix this issue and resolve this issue by updating registry files of exe files which you cant open on your windows computer.

Published by
Lakshmi Durga