
How to fix Audio codec not supported windows 10

It is more annoying sometimes when you download an audio file to the phone but it is not playing whenever we want to listen. Sometimes it displays like ‘unable to play audio codec’ or ‘unsupported format’.

Unable to play audio codec:

There are many audio players available in your smartphone as inbuilt. Whenever, if you want to play music we have to firstly decompress the audio file. If your phone has an unavailable audio codec feature it shows an error when you play an audio file.

To solve the above error of the unsupported format. Let’s see some simple methods. Before exploring deeper into this, we need to know about what is codec and container words definition.


The term codec is defined as encoding and decoding data along with compressing the data.


It is used to define file format before codec prepares files for playback music.

Method: 1 Windows media player

Let’s consider a simple example whenever you play audio or other files. Then it shows an unsupported file format it means you’re facing a codec issue. For this just follow the simple steps portrayed below.

Step: 1 Open ‘ window media player’.

Step: 2 Then click on the ‘Tools’ menu and after that tap on ‘options’ menu.

Step: 3 After that click on the player tab to display options.

Step: 4 Then tap on the ‘ downloaded codecs automatically’ after that a popup will appear and click on ‘Ok’ for confirmation.

Step: 5 Now play your file again. Then tap on Ok for confirm and install (for checking installed codec).

Note: Make sure your internet connection is active before clicking ok.

Method:2 Audio codec with VLC

VLC is abbreviated as versatile media player. In many smartphones or smart devices it is inbuilt for handling media files. VLC will easily convert our files from one format to another format. Let’s follow some simple steps to override the situation.

Step: 1 Open ‘VLC media player’.

Step: 2 Tap on ‘media’s which is available in the menu then click on ‘convert’.

Step: 3 Now add your file from the selected files.

Step: 4 Then click on ‘convert’ button at the bottom of the page.

Step: 5 After tap and pick a location to save your converted file with some specific title.

Step: 6 Then select the format you want to convert.

Step: 7 Now click on the start button.


Codec is the most important part of media player. The above methods are used for converting or compressing the digital information  into various other formats to access easily.

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