
Ways to Fix if Firestick Keeps Restarting

If your firestick keeps restraining on its own automatically when you are watching movies on firestick or it is keeps turning on and off by itself then there is a technical or software related issues and power supply issue with your firestick and you can easily get rid of firestick keeps restraining issue and stop firestick from keeps turning on by itself or keeps resetting issue. So, let’s see in detail below.

If Your firestick keeps restarting after update or firestick restarting and turning off and on then you need to check with power cables and power adaptors and replace usb cables and update software to the latest firestickOS.

Firestick Keeps Restarting

Below solutions will help you stop firestick keeps restarting issue easily and get rid of keeps restring problem with firestick. 

Update Firestick to Latest Version

If there is any firestickOS update issue you can experience this kind of issues and firestick keeps restarting or crashing or firestick not working issues as well and its recommended to update firestick to latest version and update it.

After updating firestick to latest version your issue of firestick keeps restarting on its own issue will be fixed.

Power Reset

Simply, Unplug power cord from the power source outlet of firestick connected to tv and wait for some time and then plug the firestick back to your tv and turn on firestick and check. If there is any temporary glitch or software issue this will fix the issue of firestick keeps restraining the problem.

Remove other HDMI Cables Connected to TV

If you have connected any external devices using hdmi or usb cables to your tv then this may also cause interference with fire tv stick and experience this issue of firestick keeps restarting.

You need to unplug all other external cables and then plug firestick usb cable and check. 

Remove and Plug back Firestick to TV

Unplug firestick connected to your smart tv and wait for 60 seconds and plug it back and turn on tv and check with firestick. 

Removing and plugging firestick back to usb slot of your tv will fix if you are connecting your firestick with USB cable slot on back of your smart tv.

Change USB Cable of Firestick

If the USB cable that you are connecting firestick to tv is damaged or corrupted then your fire tv stick will have this issue and power supply will not pass properly if usb cable is damaged.

You need to get a new firestick usb cable and connect it to your firestick and then connect to your smart tv to usb cable slot.

Check Sleep Timer Settings on Firestick

If you have set sleep timer on fire tv stick, then this can also lead to this issue and your fire tv stick keeps turning off by itself and you need to turn off if sleep timer is set to turn off at specific time intervals.

Why Firestick Keeps turning off and ON

Due to power supply issues to firestick or it can be due to outdated firestick OS and damaged usb cables or power cables can cause firestick keeps restarting or keeps turning off and on by itself.

Firestick Keeps Restarting After Update?

If firestick keeps restarting by itself after updating firestick OS software then you need to check if your firestick is compatible with new firestickOS and you need to make sure that if any new version of firestick update is available then you need to update it and this resolve the issue of firestick keeps restarting issue.

Published by
Rajeshwari Chiluveru