
How to Fix Unsupported Signal Check Your Device Output Amazon Fire TV Stick

You get frustrated when your Amazon Fire stick unsupported signal check your device output. This type of issue occurred due to loose HDMI cable connection or defective ports. So, in this article we are providing some issue and discuss on that issue and providing fix to that problem. Now, let’s go with the discussion on unsupported signal check your device output Amazon fire stick.

Fix Unsupported Signal Check Your Device Output on Amazon Fire tv Stick

Follow below methods to fix unsupported signal check on amazon fire tv.

HDCP Issue

HDCP is abbreviated as high-bandwidth digital content protection. While if you’re using the latest smart tv then you may not face this issue. But when you’re using old tv models, then this type of problem may arise  with this HDCP will not allow any video to be played on your tv, with this you may receive no signal error.

Device Settings Issue

When you done recently any settings to your device, if your HDMI port was connected with your tv and similarly using the HDMI port with Amazon firestick, then you come across this issue. Also if you’re using a USB stick to tv as power source  while the power input is taken from source rather than provided one, then you may face the issue.

Damaged or Defective Amazon Firestick

Due to damaged or defective Amazon fire tv stick you may face the issue of unsupported signal checking your device output.

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3) Setup and Install Express VPN on Fire Stick Amazon

4) How to cast computer to firestick using wifi

5) How to Factory reset fire tv stick?

Solving HDMI No Signal Issue

Step 1: Firstly, you need to ensure that your html cable is properly connected or not. And check whether the cable is tightly connected and their is no cuts in the wire

Step 2: When if you don’t find ant issue in HDMI post connection, then go you need try connecting the HDMI port wire with another port

Step 3: Still if facing the issue then try connecting your HDMI wire with another device to check whether your ports are working properly or not.

Network Troubleshooting

Sometimes network connection may be an issue. When your internet connection is not proper, then your Amazon fire stick will display no signal error. While your internet is working correctly and still if you are seeing the issue then follow the mentioned tips.

Step 1: Firstly, open the menu and move a head to settings option. 

Step 2: After opening settings choose network option.

Step 3: Next, press the pause/play button for one more time.

Above troubleshooting methods will help you fix the issue of unsupported signal checking your device output amazon fire tv stick.

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