iPhone 14

Install Fonts on iPhone 15,14,13, 12 on iOS 17,16,15

  • To install fonts on iPhone iOS 16 on iPhone 14, 13, 12 -> Settings -> General -> Fonts and open app store and install fonts app from app store.
  • You need to install third party apps from app store and install any font application and customize and manage fonts on iPhone 14, 13, 12, 11 on iOS 16, 14, 13.
  • To change iPhone font to bold then you need to go to -> Settings -> Display and Brightness and tap on bold text and enable this option to make fonts bold.

You can install custom fonts on iPhone 14, 13, 12, 11, x on IOS 16,15, 14 with new features enabled and use them on your apple iPhone iOS mobile. Apple doesn’t give us option to use fonts throughout the whole OS but in IOS 16 custom fonts are introduced in iOS 13 and gives option to install custom fonts on iPhone 14, 13, 12, etc with few limitations involved. Let’s see how to install fonts on iPhone IOS 16, 15, 14 etc.

You can also use font apps from app store and install and manage apps font on iPhone 14, 13, 12, on iOS 16, 15, 14 and customize font and increase font size or decrease font size or bold font size and text appearance on your iPhone easily on iOS 16, 15, 14.

Install Fonts on iPhone IOS 16, 15, 14, 13

You need to install application from app store which is font applications Font diner which is a free application.

  • Step 1: Click and open App store  and search for Font Diner application.
  • Step 2: Click and install this application on your iOS 13, 14, 15, 16 or later iOS.
  • Step 3: Font diner application there are plenty of fonts available for free, which you can use them on your iOS 16, 15, 14 on iPhone 14, 13, 12 mobile.
  • Step 4: Once you install this application open font diner and click on activate and agree.
  • Step 5: Once you click agree you will be prompted with install fonts? Go ahead and click on Install.
  • Step 6: Now navigate to settings on your iPhone.
  • Step 7: Click on General -> Fonts.
  • Step 8: Once you click on fonts, you will see all list of fonts available on your iPhone 13 which you will be able to use now on your IOS 13.
  • Step 9: Other cool options is, you can click on edit and click on fonts you want to use or keep on your ios 13 and remove them as well.

Installing fonts is made very simple in IOS 13 and allowing users to experience different fonts installation. Previously in older devices of iPhone, if you want to use fonts you have to do it by iFont by creating users profile methods.

Also Read:

1) Can’t Delete Text Messages on iPhone ios 16

2) Fix iOS 16 iPhone stuck in Dark mode

3) iPhone 14 Screen Rotation Not Working

4) iOS 16 Vibration Not Working on iPhone 14 or Plus or iPhone 14 Pro or Max

5) Show Battery Percentage on iPhone 14 Pro or Max

Where can in Download Fonts on iPhone iOS 16. 15, 14

you can directly install apps from apple app store and there are plenty of fonts available and with iOS 16 you can change fonts and customize your home screen and wallpaper and make your iPhone 14, 13, 12 awesome.

How to Change Font on iPhone 14, 13, 12, 11 on iOS 16?

Go to settings -> General Option -> Fonts. Once you click on fonts list of available fonts will be displayed, select any one font from them and ok. Now you font will be changed on you iPhone 13

Can I Install Custom Fonts on IOS 16, 15, 14 on iPhone 14, 13?

Yes you can install them easily by using applications available on APP Store.

How do I add fonts to iOS 16 or iOS 15

Find AnyFont Application or font diner application from app store and install it to get custom fonts on ios 13.

How to change fonts on iOS 16?

Go to settings->General and tap on Fonts and install fonts from app store.

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