Hisense Smart tv

How to turn on airplay on Roku tv Hisense

if you want connect your iPhone to Hisense Roku tv then you can easily connect it by built in airplay feature provided by Hisense smart tv. First you need to turn on airplay settings(apple airplay and homekit settings) in order to connect your iPhone to Hisense Roku tv. Hisense smart tv comes with built-in airplay feature to stream and screen mirror and cast your iPhone videos to your Hisense smart tv. You can stream from your apple device and control content with apple Airplay and Home kit and also you can connect Samsung galaxy tab to Hisense tv.

How to turn on Airplay on Roku tv Hisense

Step 1: first you need to turn on your hisense smart tv and press home button on your remote control.

Step 2: Reach settings icon->Press right arrow key->press ok

Step 3: Press down arrow and highlight Apple Airplay and Homekit.

Step 4: Press ok and you will be redirected to Apple airplay homekit settings and setup process if you are connecting airplay on your hisensne roku tv.

Step 5: Highlight Airplay settings -> Press ok to turn on airplay on Roku tv.

That’s it this is how you enable airplay on roku tv.

Turn on Airplay for Best settings on Hisense Roku tv

In order to experience best airplay settings you need to enable “Fast tv Start” on your hisense smart tv in Settings->System ->Power for the best experience when using Apple airplay and Homekit.

Cant turn on Airplay on Roku tv?

If you are unable to turn on airplay on Roku tv or cant enable airplay settings then you need to update your Hisense smart tv Roku tv in order or stream or cast content from your iphone to hisense tv using airplay.

Does Roku tv have airplay built in?

Yes ! Indeed hisense roku tv airplay is built in feature and in older version of hisense roku tv you will not find airplay and if you are using older model of hisense smart tv then you can use alternative methods to connect your iPhone to hisense like chromecast, mirracast, screencast, apowermirror and other third party applications.

Turn on Airplay on Roku tv Hisense?

Settings->Highlight Apple airplay settings homekit and turn on Airplay.

Can’t turn on airplay on Roku tv?

You need to update to latest version of hisense smart tv to get airplay option on your hisense tv and turn on airplay on roku tv.

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