
New Google Algorithm Update September 2nd Week

As the second week of September comes here comes an other Google Algorithm Update September update from google well its not official now confirmed from Google but few bigger websites are seeing a lot of changes in the google search results and the increase in traffic as well as decrease in traffic for websites.

And the same graph change has been seen this weekend on different websites showing change in graph like Accuranker, Rankranger and SEMrush.

We don’t know why is this update till now, but there is change in search console beta testers update with new search console design and new indexing report from google in search console with the filter of index pages giving us more information what we need to know and how many of index pages are in google search.

How Many Times Google Updates its Algorithm

Google updates its algorithm daily with around 200times a day which everyone knows in seo industry but the changes and which websites are getting affected by this change is all to know and many of the website owners and publishers are seeing a concrete increase of traffic.

Also Read:

1) Google Algorithm Updates in May 2019 and Indexing Issues

2) New Google Algorithm Update September 2nd Week Update:

3) Unconfirmed Google Algorithm Update Not Yet Confirmed

4) December 2020 core algorithm Update Google

5) January 2020 Google Core Algorithm Update: New Look & Big Impact on Websites Rankings

Google started rolled out mobile indexing also and they rolled out in batches this time and as of john muller said mobile indexing is going pretty good, seems like there is no problem with the indexing of other websites.

Google with Amp pages recently added a new parameter to the amp pages url like ?uspc= and it started appearing since last month but there is no fluctuation in google traffic towards website.

Lets wait and see what new changes happening this weekend and will be updated as this change is any algorithm change from Google side.

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