
8 Planets of solar system and New Planets

Our solar system consists of 8 planets and there are few new planets which are discovered in our solar system by NASA and how many planets of solar system. Pluto has been classified as dwarf planet in solar system.

A planet is a celestial body that is in orbit around the sun and has sufficient mass for its self gravity to overcome it in a round shape and has to clear the orbit with neighbourhoods.

Solar System

Solar system is the system of gravitational leap system conciliation of objects that orbit it with the sun whether it may directly or indirectly.

Solar system also surround asteroid belts and smaller objects which lies between the orbit of mars and Jupiter. Solar system formed 4.568 billions years ago from the gravitational collapse of a region within a large molecular cloud also called as Stellar Nursery.

Solar system is the collection of our planets and their moons in orbit round the sun together with similar bodies in the form of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets.

8 Planets of solar system


Mercury is the smallest and innermost planet in our solar system mercury orbital period around the sun is 88 days and it is the shortest planet in the solar system.


Venus is the second planet from the sun and venus orbital period of every 224.7 earth days and it has the longest rotation period of 243 days of any planet in the solar system.


Earth is the third planet form the sun and the only object in the universe know to a waterfront and harbor life. Earth our planet appears to be a big and a strong with an endless ocean of air.


Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and recently it is found by nasa that a world of snowy dunes on mars. Mars is also the second smallest planet in the solar system after mercury.


Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and Jupiter is the largest in the solar system. Jupiter is the giant planet with mass of 1 thousandth that of the sun but 2 and half times that of all other planets in solar system.


Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and the second largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter. Jupiter is a gas giant planet with an average radius of 9 times that of earth.


Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun and it has the third largest planetary radius with a 4th largest planetary mass in the solar system.


Neptune is the eight and the farthermost known planet from the sun in the solar system and it is the fourth largest planet by its diameter and Neptune is the densest giant planet.


Pluto is our favorite dwarf planet in the kuiper belt

Four Inner solar system planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars these four planets fall under the category of terrestrial planets where as Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants which mainly consists of Helium and Hydrogen when it comes to the other planets like Uranus and Neptune these are Ice Giants which mainly contains of elements intense than hydrogen and helium. Pluto comes under dwarf planet. Since Pluto has is in a orbit of Kuiper belt.

Dwarf Planets:

Dwarf planets are not similar to the regular planets of solar system according to nasa a dwarf planet is a celestial body that orbits a star and has enough mass to assume a nearly round shape, has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit. Dwarf planet orbits a star but not a celestial body.

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