
Killer Asteroids and Comets

Killer Asteroids

A big rock which is capable of killing earth higher the head and behind the sun no one saw coming no telescope is able to see the burning light and is an asteroid big enough to destroy an entire city from behind the sun asteroid 2002MN came hurtling towards the earth faster than a speeding bullet.

It shot past less than a third the distance to the moon and nobody saw it coming and until three days later when the rock emerged from earth shadow into the night sky going away.

It looks like the earth just dodged bullet actually a asteroid and scientist say it blew by last week when it passed away with no sign and no knowledge when that asteroid hitting the earth this is a killer asteroid which can destroy entire city.

Asteroids vary upon their sizes and if this asteroid is in size of mile then It will be destroying entire planet at once. Scientist and air line called this hit as near miss.

Sooner or later killer asteroids would be hitting our planet earth and must confront the asteroids/come collision hazard or become extinct.

Scientists who study about this asteroids and comet called it a problem and the threat of asteroid impacts on the earth is very real and we know through our history this has happened.

How often do killer asteroids hit Earth?

As of Wikipedia, for every 500,000 years approximately.

Killer Asteroid 2017

Killer asteroid 2017 which passed away enormous near earth asteroid and it was 20 times closer than moon which is a space rock called as killer asteroid 2017 or near earth asteroids.

What Happens if Killer Asteroids Hits Earth

A big space rock with enormous speed falling from the sky with huge amount of energy which is equal to one million megaton bomb and would wipe out most of the life on earth and blow up everything in our planet earth and killer asteroids simulation will be huge speed simulation will be huge and vision have been seen with discovery channel video.

Published by
Swapna Reddy