
Fix Windows Update Failed: Your Device is Missing Important Security and Quality Fixes

If you have an error saying your device is missing important security and quality fixes when trying to update your windows then this is due to outdated operating system and you have to update windows to latest version, lets resolve this error by following simple steps below in quick and easy way here:

When you will see Your device is missing important security and Quality Fixes

When windows 10/11 trying to update and found problems while updating or stopped windows update in middle which of these updates are related to security.

So, if you are trying to run the windows update through the modern UI interface and you starting to see this error your device is missing important security and quality fixes red text and says windows update failed last checked and we need to fix this error because this will be repeating as windows tries to update and your device windows 10 may be missing important security and quality fixes and find more info here.

Fix Your Device is Missing Important Security and Quality Fixes

Step 1: Click on start menu by clicking on the start button one time.

Step 2: In windows search bar type in GPEDIT.msc and open it. (if you are running windows 10 this will not apply for you and you should go to install updates through control panel when trying to uninstalling recently installed updates will work for you).

Step 3: Go to computer configuration in local group policy editor which will be already expanded for you.

Step 4: Click on Administrative Templates-> Expand Windows components.

Step 5: Scroll down to until you get to data collection and preview builds and left click on that on the right side you will see different options.

Step 6: On right side you will see Allow telemetry and double click on that.

Step 7: Now click on Edit policy settings a new window will pop up.

Step 8: Now you will be in Allow telemetry window.

Step 9: Now go here and select enable and underneath option select from basic to enhanced.

Step 10: Click on Apply and ok.

With the just restarting your computer the error “your device is missing important security and quality fixes” will be resolved.

Simply fix for Your Device is Missing Important Security and Quality Fixes?

Navigate to settings and “View Update History” and then “Uninstall Updates” and unistall previously installed update and restart your pc, then re-update windows 10. Your Device is Missing Important Security and Quality Fixes Issue will be fixed once windows 10 downloads and re updates all security updates successfully and don’t interrupt in middle.

There are more complicated methods as well to resolve tis issue depending on the error you’re your device missing important security and quality fixes 1803 or 1909, 0x80080005, 0x80070422 depending on the windows 10 build number and etc. You need to find out with the error number and go to control panel and organize the latest installed update and uninstall them and reinstalling them will fix the issue and for few other reasons, you may need to run few additional steps and free tools but no need for that at all.

Does uninstalling and re-installing windows updates will fix?

Yes it will mostly fix the issue all you need to do is found out which update it is and uninstall and reinstall will fix the issue.

Published by
Lakshmi Durga