
Fix: Taskbar has been disabled by administrator in windows 10

In windows 10 you may encounter this error of taskbar saying taskbar has been disabled by administrator and sometimes you may notice your windows 10 task manager keeps getting disabled and it can be fixed easily by following few simple steps by editing gpedit.msc policy settings, let’s see in details how to fix taskbar has been disabled by administrator below.

This is a strange issue like when you right click on windows taskbar and select taskbar and windows will prompt with error message taskbar has been disabled by administrator in windows 10.

How to fix Taskbar has been disabled by administrator:

Edit gpedit.msc settings to fix taskbar has been disabled by administrator

Step 1: Press windows + R key on your keyboard.

Step 2: Now Enter gpedit.msc and click ok.

Step 3: You will be prompted with local user group policy editor settings windows.

Step 4: On the right side pane, navigate to -> user configuration->Administrative templates->System

Step 5: Now select Ctrl+Alt+Del Options folder.

Step 6: Now on the right side pane -> Double click on Remove task manager.

Step 7: Select Not Configured radio button

Step 8: Now click on Apply and Ok and exit settings.

That’s it this is how you fix taskbar has been disabled by administrator in windows 10 computer or laptop, once you make these changes then go ahead and restart your computer and you will not be facing any issues like taskbar has been disabled by administrator.

Registry settings to fix taskbar has been disabled by administrator:

Alternatively, you can also fix this error by modifying registry settings by navigating to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System]
and make sure that the dward is set to 0 and once you are done changing registry settings as above.

Now, go ahead and reboot or restart your computer to make the changes affected on your windows 10 computer.

Why taskbar has been disabled by administrator in windows 10?

This can be caused by several different reasons, if your user account is blocked via the local group policy or domain group policy and the other is if registry settings block your from using task manager.

How to fix Taskbar has been disabled by administrator in windows 10

You can fix this error by editing group policy or local group policy editor settings and also by editing registry files also you can fix this issue of task manager keeps getting disabled.

Why task manager keeps getting disabled ?

This is due to restrictions or blocked by user local or group domain policy or registry settings are blocked you will see this error task manager has been disabled by administrator.

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