
What is User Declared Canonical and Google Declared Canonical?

What is User Declared Canonical and Google Declared Canonical?

What is user Declared canonical is the most raised question these days by webmasters as the old search console migration process is taking place Google released new search console. When you use new URL inspection tool in search console and try with your website URL with the preferred property set Google will in return give you entire details of that specific article straight retrieve data from the Google index and much more information regarding URL is on Google or its submitted to indexed and the URL index status and with the linked AMP page if it is associated with and enhancements as well and it also says a lot with canonical version of the URL as user declared canonical.

What it is User Declared Canonical :

The most important part is everyone is concerned about is canonical is SEO coz Google takes this into consideration and checks for the duplicates and all part. When you fetch a URL in URL inspection tool it says specifically in Indexing part card saying: Indexing is allowed or not plus last crawled and if the page is fetched by Google or not and when coming to the part of User Declared canonical and Google declared canonical.

Sometime’s user declared canonical will be different than that of the canonical URL declared by website owner and may be different. What to do if your website URL has different set of canonical URLs as user declared and Google declared canonical chooses differently the meaning of choosing user declared canonical and Google declared canonical differently is one of the set of similar pages, and Google has chosen to index another version of your webpage. In this case there is no need to do anything as Google chooses which URL to take as canonical. Even though if you want to confirm and change or you may consider removing your explicit canonical tag or considering why you need another page as canonical.

Check with your declared canonical url and if the page explicitly declares any duplication you can declare a canonical url in many ways by a using or HTTP Header or a sitemap or by methods given here. Google says as your page is one of the set of duplicate URL then explicit declaring the canonical URL for AMP pages this should be the non-amp version unless it is a self canonical amp.

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Google Selected Canonical :

The page that Google selected as the authoritative URL as soon as Google founds it is the similar or duplicate pages, in most cases Google will choose the same URL or Google might choose another URL which is considered as the best and better canonical of that page and no guarantee for the Google canonical for a URL but you can suggest one. If the page has no alternative versions the Google selected canonical is the inspected URL and if any you can consider explicitly declaring canonical version and it is not shown always in search results for example if the page has a desktop canonical and a mobile version and mobile searches will probably show the mobile page URL.

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